About ROI's Insights Blog

ROI’s Insights Blog is intended for IT and Operational Leaders within our client organizations across the country. Each article is written with this audience in mind, to shed light on process and technology topics related to ERP (Finance, Supply Management, HCM, and IT) and HIS Clinical & Revenue Cycle areas. Each entry will be categorized by function and technical area, to aid in search and navigation.

The authors of this content include ROI’s experienced Workstream Leaders & Consultants who possess 10+ years of functional and technical expertise. Each post contains a brief profile summary of the writer for future reference. Thank you for your interest in this blog! https://roihs.com

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ROI Healthcare Solutions

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Internet of Things in Healthcare

Oct 19, 2021 2:22:00 PM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in Internet of Things, Healthcare CxO Topics


It's no longer news that the healthcare industry has adopted technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to its advantage. Organizations are always trying to improve quality, reduce costs and ensure patients have quick access to care. One major technology in use is the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology involves the collection and analysis of data from various sources for business management, personalization, and practical purposes. With IoT being used more frequently, organizations should understand how they can leverage on this technology to maintain high standards when it comes to patient care.

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Improving Patient Experience through Artificial Intelligence

Oct 5, 2021 2:05:00 PM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in Healthcare CxO Topics, Artificial Intelligence, Patient Experience


The patient experience is a crucial part of healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning help by making sure patients are seen at the right time, processed correctly, and supported through their care. In this article, we'll look at how AI could improve these three aspects of the patient experience.  
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Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Landscape of Healthcare

Sep 21, 2021 7:00:00 AM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in Healthcare CxO Topics, Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way healthcare is done. There are already some Artificial Intelligence-based solutions in preventive medicine and patient monitoring. They can provide individuals with health information, and even suggest changes to lifestyle habits, all through a chatbot, SMS, or by using voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Apple's Siri.  The tech is already being used to help detect skin cancer and even treat Parkinson's disease. 

Even hospitals are looking at AI to improve patient care delivery, such as Clinical Decision Support Program (CDS). It provides clinicians with recommendations for diagnosis and treatment options, which could potentially reduce the occurrence of medical mistakes. There are also Artificial Intelligence-based solutions for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) management, such as IBM's Watson Health. 

Some experts believe that Artificial Intelligence will streamline clinical workflows, improve efficiency, and reduce costs within healthcare. The adoption of AI in the industry is already underway with many hospitals either actively using or planning to implement this technology. 

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Six Tips to Staff Your Healthcare IT Project

Sep 8, 2021 5:50:36 AM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in Project Management, Staff Augmentation


Healthcare organizations today face the challenge of adopting and implementing a healthcare information technology (IT) project that is expected to deliver clinical and financial benefits. However, navigating this journey can be difficult without the right staff. 

Ask yourself: Who has the skills and staff for these positions? Is there a need to hire additional staff to meet the needs of this healthcare IT project? If so, what budget dollars are available?  Will this funding be in the form of internal or external hires? The answers to these questions will help you create a staffing strategy for your healthcare IT project. 

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Healthcare ERP Implementations: 7 Common Mistakes

Jul 2, 2021 2:51:49 PM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in Project Management, Infor, Healthcare CxO Topics



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CIO Interview: CHIME 2021 Spring Conference Recap

May 18, 2021 9:22:00 AM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in Healthcare CxO Topics, CIO, Events


Time Well Spent: CHIME 2021 Spring Conference

Over 300 attendees spent time networking recently at the well-organized and highly anticipated CHIME Spring Conference. While the limitations of virtual conferences were still at play, CHIME still managed to do a great job getting folks together for an intimate reception, stellar entertainment, and a reminiscent time of what the group can accomplish when they share their wisdom with one another. Networking is one of the top strategies for CxO growth and CHIME plays an integral role in their collective success.

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Benefits Part Three: Slaying the Pre-Payroll Benefits Beast

Mar 3, 2021 6:30:00 AM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in ERP, Infor


With custom groups meticulously refined, async jobs humming error-free in the background, and standing with true artisanal pride at the resource updates you have just processed, you prepare for your once-a-fortnight processing: pre-payroll tasks. Although specific pre-payroll tasks can vary greatly across organizations, we will focus on two that nearly everyone will use: GTL and the deduction export.

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CIO Interview: The Real Scoop on MEDITECH Expanse

Feb 24, 2021 3:14:41 PM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in EHR, Legacy Support, MEDITECH


Guiding Principles for a Successful Implementation


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Benefits Part Two: The Winds of Plan Changes Are Blowing

Feb 16, 2021 8:02:00 AM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in ERP, Infor


As mentioned in Benefits Part One: Eligibility Made Easy, well-crafted benefit groups lay the foundation for success in maintaining your organization’s benefit plans week after week. Even if they aren’t perfect yet, that’s okay - understanding how benefit groups control application functionality is a battle you will appreciate later. Fortunately, once groups are defined, they don’t need to be modified continuously, or at least, you shouldn’t be taking unlimited rides on the “custom group carousel.” The day-in-day-out, in-the-weeds processing is performed with four jobs located in the CloudSuite HCM navigation menu under Benefits -> Maintenance -> Processes:

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Benefits Part One: Eligibility Made Easy

Feb 2, 2021 7:48:00 AM / by ROI Healthcare Solutions posted in ERP, Infor


Benefits – love or hate them, they are one of the primary compensation components for why employees join an organization. Let’s face it, in today’s marketplace, benefits are expensive for employees to purchase and time-consuming for benefit teams to maintain. Having all the cogs of the benefits team well-oiled and churning efficiently shouldn’t just be a wish: it is a must!

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